Commercial Products

SolaMaster 330 DS
The SolaMaster 330 DS maximizes light output at any time of day. It effectively captures low-angle sun rays in the mornings late afternoons and winter months, and collects high-angle rays at midday for powerful performance. It is ideal for lighting spaces with open ceilings (exposed roof decks) where light variances aren't an issue.
• Tube size ≈ 21 in. (530 mm)
• Potential tube length ≈ 50+ ft. (15 m)
• Available for Open and Closed Ceiling applications
• Retail
• Lobbies / Atriums
• Recreation areas
• Warehouse & Industrial

SolaMaster 750 DS
The SolaMaster 750 DS delivers consistent light output throughout the day. It effectively captures low-angle sun rays in the mornings, late afternoons and winter months, but rejects high-angle rays at midday to prevent glare, overlighting and overheating. Perfect for spaces with open ceilings (exposed roof decks) where a consistent light level is required during typical work hours.
• Tube size ≈ 21 in. (530 mm)
• Potential tube length ≈ 50+ ft. (15 m)
• Available for Open and Closed ceiling appplication
• Manufacturing
• Retail
• Office

SkyVault M74 DS
The groundbreaking SkyVault Series gives you ultimate daylighting control. By mixing and matching components, you can enhance light capture, control the focus and create dynamic designs in large volume spaces with high, open ceilings...all with just one system.
- Delivers more light to meet illumination requirements
- Provides maximum output with minimum impact on building envelope
- Can be tailored for specific project needs
- Reduces installation costs